June 6

7th March 2016 – Dream Big, Work Hard, Stay Focussed and Work With Good People

June 6
Dream Big Blog I saw this quote on my personal Instagram feed…you know…from one of the inspirational type quote pages I follow. Most of which are sickly sweet or just so cliché…but this one I liked, I really liked. I have worked in Manufacturing Recruitment for nearly 13 years now….pretty much since leaving university and I quickly learnt that the first part of this quote was absolutely key to sustaining a consistent and strong career in recruitment. You absolutely have to aim for the stars…no question. One of my first bosses quickly wanted to know what motivated me and as a 21 year old self-confessed tom-boy I just wanted a flashy fast car…as most do at that age I suppose. “use that as your motivation” he said…and he was right…at that age and as the recruitment sector was at that point. I dreamt big, worked extremely hard and I got what I wanted. After a while though you want more, for me I wanted to lead, I wanted to develop others, I wanted to be respected and credible beyond my years, I wanted complete autonomy, to generate a culture in recruitment completely different from my competitors. That’s where the focus comes in. You can’t forget the initial 2 drivers but you absolutely have to stay on-point to then achieve your subsequent, more mature goals. Constantly competing with your peers…the ones you have worked with for years…new ones that are brought in, in order to force you to “up your game” even further ha ha. We’ve all been there haven’t we!!! Sometimes it felt like a treadmill that was constantly being increased in speed, then on incline then on speed again and so the race goes on and on, as recruiters and those of us who have climbed the recruitment ladder well know. You get there, the top of that particular ladder until then you realise that the ladder you are climbing is actually extendible and now the “powers that be” have ratcheted it up a few meters. Those who have worked in recruitment know EXACTLY what I mean and those in other industries I am sure experience similar situations. And so…you carry on climbing, dreaming big, working hard, staying focussed AND trying to have a life and it’s that last part of that quote that makes it all worthwhile…Working With Good People!!! The daily challenges and the recruitment rollercoaster become all the more easier when you are working with people that you enjoy spending time with, that you trust, that essentially become your friends. I mean…we spend more time at work with these people than we do with our husbands, wives and families don’t we. It’s usually, when this ceases to be the case, when the Good People start to decline and fall away when the other elements become quite severely affected. We all come to work and have the different careers we have to earn in order to sustain a life that we either want, or aspire to live. As long as you have all 4 of these elements you will become and, more importantly, remain successful in any role. I’m lucky that I have all 4 and when any of those have been effected…I plan accordingly and I make a change…if you don’t have all 4…so should you…
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